Our Jabulani Butlers – Songs #Jabulani20

by jabulanisafari

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Songs is the youngest of our butler team, having joined Jabulani in September 2017. A happy, determined and energetic individual, Songs is self-taught from books on hospitality. He started in the industry doing scullery work and soon moved into fine dining waiter service, working in five-star hotels in the Cape region. He is very proud to now be working at Jabulani. Songs is a long way from home, as he grew up in the Eastern Cape, but moved to Cape Town after school to follow his dreams. Many ask how he got his name. He was named Songs of Life by his mother, as he was the fifth and final baby born to the family and her last ‘song of life’.

Read more in our Q&A blog with Songs >

Songs back in 2018, with a young Ruan too!
Songs, centre, in 2018 with his fellow colleagues, Isaac and Shadrick
Sharing moments with guests
A haircut and new uniform later… in 2020
2023 and all grown up

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