A Jabulani Secrets Q&A with Chef Duvan
by jabulanisafari
Catch up with one of the dedicated and valued members of our Jabulani chef team, Duvan Janse van Rensburg, as he shares answers to our rapid-fire questions.
Has food always been a big part of your life? Where did your interest in cooking come from?
Yes, I have had a passion for food since the day I started to help my grandmother in the kitchen at a young age.
What is the meal you most enjoy cooking?
There are too many, but if I had to choose one, it would be lasagne.
How do you handle stress in the kitchen?
I would like to say I handle it well, but there are occasions that it does become a bit too much and I ask for help and advice to ease the stress.

What inspires you in life and work?
I believe that whatever you put your mind to will happen. I am inspired by choosing to remain positive and to find the best in all situations.
What makes the Jabulani kitchen different from others?
The staff in the Jabulani kitchen are so helpful and full of knowledge and help me whenever I ask for assistance or advice. In other kitchens where I have worked, chefs often don’t help each other or take the time to explain something.
How has your outlook on food and cooking developed while working at Jabulani?
I would say my plating and flavouring skills has improved a lot since I’ve been working at Jabulani.
What are the moments of living and working at Jabulani that mean the most to you?
The location is absolutely the best as it is in the middle of the bushveld, which I love and the people here just make it even better, with all the hard work that is put into the lodge to make everything work, and the jokes between team members that unite us.

Is there anything that you’ve learned as a chef that you think helps you with other aspects of your life as well?
Time management is one of the biggest lessons that have helped me in my personal life.
Best meal and drink on the menu at Jabulani?
On the new lunch menu, I would have to say the homemade beef wrap and I love my coffee.
How do you believe places like Jabulani can help make the world a better place?
Jabulani helps to educate people about our culture and to teach people about how to preserve nature for future generations.