Our Jabulani Butlers – Shadrack #Jabulani20

by jabulanisafari

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Shadrack Ngobeni and fellow butler Isaac come from the same town of Acornhoek and have walked similar paths at Jabulani. Like Sakkie, Shadrack started his career in the Kapama Reserve as a labourer. He was later made responsible for pool maintenance at the lodge.

Carl Olen, our first GM at Jabulani, had an eye for quality people, as most of the staff he employed are still with us, including Shadrack. Carl noticed his potential while at Kapama and trained him to become the butler he is today. Shadrack engages easily and warmly with guests like his colleagues and is always ready to share a story about his time at Jabulani.

Our Jabulani Butlers – Shadrack
Shadrack with his fellow butlers
Shadrack found a loyal friendship in Simon
And Simon found cherished companionship on those long work days with Shadrack around to talk to
Shadrack is always eager to keep the wine flowing, and the plates coming. He’s a man after our own heart.

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