Juan’s World: Sustainable Consumption at Jabulani
by jabulani
In this edition of Juan’s World, our Sustainability Manager Juan provides insight into the world of sustainable tourism and the latest developments from the grounds of Jabulani. Sustainability has become a buzzword in the 21st century worldwide and has vast applications across all industries, including the tourism sector.
Sustainability starts with altering one’s frame of mind by removing all the dividers that govern our thinking. Everything on this planet is related in some way or another. Therefore, altering the state of one variable will have a ripple effect on all variables associated with the first. This harsh reality is an exponential concept that quickly spirals out of control if not kept in check. It is our responsibility to work and think proactively about our precious environment.

What is sustainable consumption?
In summary, sustainable consumption is the use of products and services that have a minimal impact on the environment, allowing present and future generations to meet their needs.
The best way to achieve this is by doing more (and better) with less. Although simple in definition, implementing these ideals is infinitely complex. At Jabulani, we continuously review how we can improve and implement new ideas to reduce our consumption, which would naturally start with the Jabulani kitchen. We aim to continue decreasing our dependence on external fresh produce suppliers.
Jabulani recently implemented a new and innovative aquaponics system, which allows us to grow fresh produce most commonly used in our kitchen. This gives us more control over the quality and source of the ingredients available to our Jabulani chefs. (We will provide more information about this new system after a few months of operation.)

We source crop seeds not genetically modified from reputable suppliers that follow excellent environmental practices. These seeds are then carefully planted in our new worm farms for germination. We use Red Wigglers (Eisenia fetida) and elephant manure from the Jabulani Herd as a growth substrate to break down wasted fresh produce from the kitchen.

The nutrient-rich substrate in the worm farms provides the ideal conditions for seed germination. Once the seedlings are a few days old, we gently remove them from the substrate, rinse them of excessive soil, and transfer them to the growth beds of the aquaponics system.

We monitor the seedlings carefully until they are settled in and looking healthy. Once these plants come of age and start producing, we harvest the produce for use in our kitchen. Any unused produce then returns to the worm box, and the cycle starts again.

Over time the by-products produced by the worm farm, for example, the vermicompost and vermitea (urine) can be used as organic fertiliser and organic insect repellent for the crops respectively.

All of the above carefully planned processes bring Jabulani one step closer to achieving our goal of zero waste production, a lower carbon footprint, and a commitment to following best sustainable practices for our environment. If projects like these were implemented on a nationwide scale, they would collectively relieve the pressure on finite natural resources and ultimately have a positive impact on food security in South Africa.